Gotta Have Goals

<A Place for Everything and for Everything a Place                                                                                                                         Gotta Have Goals II>

The last couple of posts dealt with one goal I have for the industrial arts lab: A place for everything and for everything a place. Well, I have a few more goals in mind I'd figure I'd share:


1. A place for everything and for everything a place by end of 2017/2018 school year


2. Exposure level instruction provided with necessary teaching supplies in the following content areas during the following school years:

Small engines- 2018/2019

Sheet metal- 2017/2018

Welding- 2017/2018

Machine Trades- 2018/2019


3. Implement mastery level instruction across all fields to advanced students, through directed study style courses during the 2020/2021 school year.


4. Build a CAD lab which utilizes industry standard software and close proximity to industrial arts environment by the end of 2019.



5. Shop classes male to female ratio should be nearly equivalent to student population male to female ratio for the 2019/2020 school year and each year after.


Tune in Wednesday to see the rest of the goals as I'm still working on some wording and timelines. Most of these goals I won't be able to reach without major changes to our industrial arts lab. If you like the vision I have so far, please consider helping out by clicking on the Hawk Shop banner at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, continue to follow as great things are coming.

<A Place for Everything and for Everything a Place                                             Gotta Have Goals II>

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