No, I didn't misspell "hack," and no, we don't work on birds. We're a shop dedicated to making makers.
Fellow makers and educators can follow this story of my taking a public school shop, where I teach middle and high school students General Industrial Arts, from dirt to diamond. This is my first year at the school, Republic-Michigamme, located in Michigan's upper peninsula.
The shop was once shut down and "left to the wolves" if you will. Efforts had been made to resurface the program, but, unfortunately, fizzled as temporary certifications ran out, long term success seemed questionable, as did invested time and money.
Well, my certification is permanent and my long term success is as guaranteed as the astronomical passion I have for the job.
I love it.
What started as a shop where you couldn't find the chalkboard, and a biased table saw fence that caused the kickback of a mule, has already transformed into a buzz-hub of problem solving and student interest.
My fellow makers will enjoy following as I engage our youth in the same activities we turn to to find pleasure and self-fulfillment. I hope fellow teachers can follow my story for inspiration and solidarity. The taxpayers that pay my salary may follow just for fun.
Stay tuned as I attempt to master the hurdles of teaching, re-ignite Industrial Arts at Republic-Michigamme Schools, and improve the craft of my students, and myself, in all Industrial Arts fields.
Instagram @TheImposterTeacher/Twitter: @ImposterTeacher/Facebook: @RMIndustrialArts
Write a comment
Jay A. Berg (Thursday, 02 February 2017 09:30)
Outstanding and exactly what's missing in society today! A real teacher whose passion is to find a way to help others think, learn and solve their own problems independently. Well done!
Matthew (Friday, 03 February 2017 08:41)
Thanks Jay. We'll keep it up!